# MeasureUP

"MeasureUp" (opens new window) is a "Draw.io" (opens new window) like webapp for creating simple technical drawings.
# Why
The idea started when I needed to add dimensions to existing images but wasn't able to do that in a simple way:
- First for an engineering project I got a technical drawing where a few dimensions where missing. Instead of calling the client I decided to overlay dimensions in a CAD program (Alibre Design..cheap version of SolidWorks). It turned out to be quite an a hassle!
- Secondly my mom asked me to give the dimensions of my window so she could help me with my new curtains. Because I wasn't sure how she wanted me to measure it and I was afraid for miscommunication about the whole project 😉 I decided to make a photo with overlaying dimenions. I couldn't find a quick solutions for that either.
This issue I have encountered many times. You simply want to overlay dimensions over photo's, documents etc. And although there are tools available, they all seem too much work or are too expensive. So that is why we need "MeasureUp !" (opens new window)
# Features
The current Beta Version of MeasureUp has the following features:
- Add images, dimenions and basic shapes.
- With only one reference dimension you can set all the other dimensions.
- Tweak with different visual settings to make it look nice.
- Export the created project as *svg or *pdf. Example Here
- Works currently only for larger screens.
For this I have used "Nuxt.js" (opens new window) and "Paper.js" (opens new window)

The example above depictures MeasureUp with an inserted image of a patent. I altered the scale to '294 pixels = 622 mm', with the left wheel as a reference (622mm). All the other dimensions where automatically updated by this. Of course it has a certain error margin, but it gives a really quick and nice way of understanding how things are composed. This especially works well for flat images. Otherwise for 3D images you can alter the perspective of the dimension shape and overwrite the accompanied text to an actual measurement.