# Video Marketing

Studio LookLook started as an experiment after quiting Vrachtfiets (opens new window) to see if I could help others promoting their business by using video. With the Vrachtfiets project I gained quite some experience on different areas regarding entrepreneurship, marketing, sales and product development. I decided that video would be a natural and effective means to materialize this experience for others. This article showcases some of the video's and experiments I did.

# Personal Branding

My Personal Branding video

Video and Personal Branding is an interesting match since you can show yourself in a more colorful way than with images only. With video you can tell a story empowered by movement, audio and emotions. That is why one of the first things I did with Studio LookLook was creating a personal branding video for myself during Koningsdag.

# Company videos

Shownight 2019 - Pole Inspiration Dance Studio
Perpetual Plastic Projectl; Gaspard Bos
Jef Geerinckx; Flute docent

Video's I did for different entrepreneurs I know.

# Other videos

Performance by Prof B. his band and dancers

My old professor Han Brezet from Industrial Design Engineering, TUDelft (sustainability / entrepreneurship) plays with his band on the saxophone.

Ad hoc interview with creative artists

During the Dutch Design Week at Eindhoven I did a series of video interviews with Dutch designers. The Dutch Design Week (DDW) is an annual event I try to attend every year. During the DDW the city of Eindhoven is filled with designer goodness from all kinds. I really like how uninhibited the video above seems to be but for me it was quite stressfull! I am holding the camera on a monopod while checking the audio levels, listening to the interviewee and improvising interviewing questions.